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Trent King Lehman - Online Memorial Website

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Trent Lehman
Born in Ohio
18 years
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Amanda Ferryman rip January 25, 2011
It's been a month and even though in the last few years we didn't really talk, I'm still having a hard time with this. It doesn't seem right or real. There are a lot of things I'll never forget about you. I think about you often. I find myself visiting your facebook a lot. reading the messages left for you there and I know that you were loved and it helps.  I keep thinking how many times I've been in that car, how many places I'd gone in it, it's just unreal. I hope you can see how many people cared about you.
Amber Blunk 1 month January 21, 2011
So, tomorrow at 4:00 am marks 1 month.  1 month since I lost you, 1 month since my heart was torn from me unexpectedly.  1 month of me waking up every morining wishing it was a bad dream, 1 month of realizing its not.  1 month of not being able to text you and start a dumb fight, only to be fine 5 minutes later. 1 month of me saying "im gunna smack trent if he dont stop telling people i hate him" one month of me writing to you everyday to tell you how much i do love you.  1 month of me talking to you every night before bed, one month of denial.  I want you back, I want you here, I want to hear your laugh again, or to see your damn grin, and your eyes.  I want you to be here to text me back with that damn ":P" that you would do after I apologized for our dumb arguement cause you knew my apology was coming.  I wish it wasnt you that night, I dont wish it was anyone.  I wish there was a way I could change it and just know that Im always thinking about you, not a day goes by your not on my mind.  I love you and Im sorry your gone. Its never going to be the same.
Tara R.I.P January 17, 2011
Trent was a great person and you were very luck to have him as a son. It is amazing that one person can make such an impact on that many people. I am glad that i got to know him and I wish you guys the best. Trent is in a better place and will never be forgotten.
David and Diana Arnold The Arnolds January 15, 2011

Regina and Dean,

We are so sorry for your loss. We didn't know Trent, but he had to have been a pretty wonderful person being your son. Our Hearts and prayers are with you everyday. We Love you! 

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