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Trent Lehman
生于 Ohio
18 years
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Regina ( MOM )
You were always havin fun and livin fast !!I can still see you on that roof top and me and TJ were trying to get you to jump on top of the Jeep !!!! It was dukes of Hazard time for sure !!!!LOLThe day you hit me with a snow ball and Knocked me down and my hat flew off and when I stood up you were laughin so hard . I was mowin grass and you were 3 years old you seen I was hot and you pulled a chair up to the sink and got a cup of water came out side and threw it on me and i took off scramin because it was hot water you felt so bad but mommy wasent mad we just sat and laughed about it you tried to cool me off. LOL I love you Trent Forever Love MOMMY
Shayla Shotts
there are so many memories we've had just in the past months before you went to heaven like me coming over after work in my burger butt uniform & me, you, & chris watching the strangers all laying at the end of the bed all txting each other laying right next to each other & then every five minutes me saying "quit being blanket hogs let me get some blankets GEEZE!" hahaa then waking up at like 3 in the next afternoon in weird positions & all of us complaining about different body parts aching hahaha & not to mention all of the crazy nights at the masque with trannys trying to rape patrick & all of us grilling him the next day & him using being drunk as an excuse but we all know it's because he's mad gay hahaha or you like breaking Patricks knee cap wrestling in the middle of his floor at 5 in the morning, the things we did people wouldn't understand hahaa out of all of my friends I introduced you too all of them loved the shit out of you because you just lived life & always made anything into a good time, I miss you & I'll see you soon babe ! I love you
Sarah Biggs

Trent I am going to miss you so much. We had good times at the ROTC meet...us putting all the salads away and you throwing them at me, and we had that race to see which one got done first lol. There is not a day goes by that i don't think about you and Ashley. You will be and always be in my heart forever

Love ya miss ya big time

Amber Blunk
Trent you left me with so many memories that I will cherish forever, to name a few, the day you asked me to be your girlfriend down at Reynor Park, but before you would ask me to be your girlfriend you asked me to prom.  All the times out on the dock getting yelled at by everyone from across the lake "lovebirds".  All the times I had to yell at you to be nice :).  The time you almost pushed me into the lake, then gave me that puppy dog face of yours so I wouldnt be mad at you :).  When you proposed to me at sunset on the dock on the lake :), the time you got sick and I came over to take care of you.  You making fun of my little green car >:( lol, when me and you went to the drive-in where I worked :).  I could keep going on forever, but those are a few of my favorites.  I love you so much and I miss you, but your always with me forever.
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